This page is part of the Deploying Drupal to Kubernetes series.
- Application: A running application on your Kubernetes cluster, such as Drupal or Jenkins.
- Chart: Seel “Helm chart”.
- Context: A Kubernetes cluster with which we are currently interacting.
- Cluster: A pool of Kubernetes resources such as volumes and nodes.
- ClusterIP: A visibility method for a service whereby only other services within the cluster can see it. This is useful if all traffic from the outside passes through a reverse proxy, for example.
- Container: a relatively isolated environment which acts like a virtual machine.
- Docker: allows the easy management of containers.
- Docker-compose: tie in containers, networks, and volumes into a running application.
- Docker Desktop: a packaged installation of Docker, Docker Compose, and kubectl for your laptop.
- Helm: an abstraction layer between you and Kubernetes, also often described as a package manager for Kubernetes.
- Helm chart: code which defines how to deploy a specific application via Helm.
- Helm repo: A collection of Helm charts.
- Ingress: A way for the outside world to access a Kubernetes cluster.
- Image: A template for docker containers.
- Kubectl: command-line tool to manage Kubernetes clusters.
- Kubernetes: abstraction layer between your application and your infrastructure.
- Load balancer: a type of ingress.
- Node: in the context of Kubernetes, a virtual machine which provides computing power; you do not normally interact directly with it.
- Payload URL: a public URL, often containing a security token, called by a webhook.
- Persistent volume claim (PVC): a claim from an application on volume storage.
- Pod: an abstraction layer between any number of containers (in our tutorial we always use a single one) and the user of the containers. For example, if you need immense computing power and redundancy, you might have a dozen identical containers, but you still interact with a single pod, the same way you would if you were interacting with a single container.
- Registry: storage for Docker images.
- Release: is an instance of a chart running in a Kubernetes cluster.
- Reverse proxy: a layer between a running application or group of applications (for example Kubernetes) and a user. The user interacts with the reverse proxy, which then interacts with the underlying application.
- Service: an abstraction of a container or list of containers.
- Tiller: a server component of Helm which was removed as a dependency in version 3.
- Webhook: An url which is called by an application (for example GitHub) when something happens (for example a new branch is created).
- Wildcard subdomains: manage any number of domains such as,,, without having to reconfigure them each time.
- YAML: standard formatting of structured information in a text file.
This page is part of the Deploying Drupal to Kubernetes series.