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Deploying Drupal to Kubernetes >

Downloading the latest version of your cluster YAML file

This page is part of the Deploying Drupal to Kubernetes series.

Now, any time you want to get a local copy of the YAML file necessary to interact with your Kubernetes cluster (including now!), you can run this script:

export DOCLUSTERNAME=kubernetes-tutorial

All DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters need a YAML file to interact when them, and we’ll store these YAML files in the $HOME/.kube folder. Every week or so, these files will become outdated and no longer usable; all you need to do is rerun the above commands which will overwrite the old YAML file and replace it with a fresh one.

If you want to see what the YAML file looks like, you can run:

cat "$HOME/.kube/kubernetes-helper-kubernetes-tutorial.yml"

And, again, you can manage several Kubernetes clusters by naming their YAML files accordingly.

You now have a Kubernetes cluster on Digital Ocean, and you’re ready to interact with it. Let’s use it!

This page is part of the Deploying Drupal to Kubernetes series.