Dcycle Blog

Avoid reverting features just enabled

May 20, 2014

During deployment, in your hook_install, if you are cycling through all your hook_update_n(), and there can be hundreds, you don’t want to call features_revert(). You can define a class to keep track of modules which were just enabled, and for those modules, don’t call features_revert.

 * Speeds up deployment by not feature reverting features just enabled.
class MySiteDeploy {
  static $initial_deploy;
  static function setInitialDeploy() {
    self::$initial_deploy = TRUE;
  static function features_revert($info) {
    if (!self::$initial_deploy) {

Now your hook install can look like:

 * Implements hook_install().
function mysite_deploy_install() {
  for ($i = 7001; $i < 8000; $i++) {
    $candidate = 'mysite_deploy_update_' . $i;
    if (function_exists($candidate)) {

And your update hooks can look like:

 * Metatag node.
function mysite_deploy_update_7368() {
  // only called during incremental deployment, for faster initial deployments.
  MySiteDeploy::features_revert(array('mysite_feature' => array('views_view')));