Deploy IMCE profile-role setup
By default IMCE only allows user 1 to access it, leading to the User 1 trap: it all works on developers’ machines, but as soon as a non-user-1 administrators to use IMCE, it doesn’t show up.
Setting up IMCE correctly requires assigning an IMCE profile to administrators. The easiest way to do this, if you don’t need fine-grained control over what your users do, is to assign the User 1 profile to all admins. However, IMCE is designed for this to be done in in the GUI. If you are using a site deployment module, however, you have to do this in a hook_update_n() so it can be deployed automatically to all your environments (dev, stage, prod, jenkins, your developers’ computers…). Here is how:
* Set correct role-profile setup in IMCE
* See
function mysite_deploy_update_7123() {
variable_set('imce_roles_profiles', array(
user_role_load_by_name('administrator')->rid =>
array (
'public_pid' => 1,
user_role_load_by_name('authenticated user')->rid =>
array (
'public_pid' => 0,
user_role_load_by_name('anonymous user')->rid =>
array (
'public_pid' => 0,